How to create SOP for Cannabis Business in New York. Cannabis Consultant Jesse Bravo guides the way. Everyone knows applying for a Cannabis business in New York will be expensive. Everyone is not made of money and this article will help your cut costs.
Sops security procedures keep your employees, business, cash and products safe. The security section of your SOPs will actually include how your business will actually build out the facility to ensure the best security. Safety of employees, products as well as your neighboring community. You'll have to include strict protocols for the type of security mechanisms and equipment then you're to have that meets or exceed local requirements. My suggestion is to always exceed the requirements because being extremely safe is a good thing. Also consider what type of alarms you'll need and what kind of surveillance equipment you require. Don't forget about lighting from the outside and the inside.
Record-keeping to secure and prevent any kind of fraud. Make a decision on what type of security personnel are going to work for you and if they are going to armed or unarmed. How many guards ,where are they during the day and what are their duties. How will your employee identification look like and where are your limited access areas and how you insure they stay limited. Diversion theft or loss of the products. The protocols should detail how often are these rooms are places or buildings actually are accessed and who has access to them. Cash handling procedures. Businesses that deals with a lot of cash it's not uncommon that cash is actually diverted,stolen or lost. Cash handling practices that have very strict procedures. How to create SOP for Cannabis Business in New York.

What is a standard operating procedure (SOP)
Standard operating procedure (SOP) is outline or blueprint of daily tasks schedules that you have to get done in order for your Cannabis business to operate. Many wonder why you need SOPs because regulators want to know everything your doing and why. So how do you start? First thing is writing down everything that you do for every function within your Cannabis business and that will give you continuity. As a result you'll have easier onboarding of employees, helps you operate more efficiently, reduce employee errors and better quality control. Following Sop on a daily basis becomes consistent, repeatable and measurable.

What are some standard operating procedures (SOP) for a dispensary
Lets look at some procedures that deal with house operations. Order fulfillment, your inventory, cash handling, vendor invoicing. You're going to have procedures that adhere to regulations. Order fulfillment is tracking orders as they come in, either through phone or online. All you have to do is write how you'll record orders, who you handle orders and sum total at the end of day. Write out how you'll record and track your inventory (usually a 3rd party System), what to do if inventory is wrong and how to fix it. cash handling and who gives out cash in morning, how much cash to hold during the day and what to do if anything is off.

Front Line Staff on How to create SOP for Cannabis Business in New York
Have clear lines of responsibility outlined within your SOP. Security this is really important as you know cannabis is predominantly a cash business with some payment processing options available. So in working with that much cash you have inherent risk Security management or cash management im most dispensaries your security person is also going to be the same person who opens the door for your customers or pick ups. Know who will answer the phone and and takes those inquiry calls and that depends on the size of your company and the size of your operation.
You must address your compliance and security policy as it's relevant to your cannabis business so in most cases that's going to be governed by your state administrative code. Once again SOPs provide very detailed step-by-step instructions about how tasks are supposed to be performed, monitored and by executing these procedures it will help your business stay compliant with both local and state laws and for the long-term success of your business.

Diversion Theft
Sops security procedures keep your employees, business, cash and products safe. The security section of your SOPs will actually include how your business will actually build out the facility. Build out ensures the best security and safety of employees, products as well as the neighboring community. You must include strict protocols for the type of security mechanisms and equipment. You'll also to have meet or exceed local requirements. In other words always exceed the requirements because being extremely safe is a good thing. Also consider what type of alarms you'll need and what kind of surveillance equipment you require.
Don't forget about lighting from the outside and the inside. Record-keeping to secure and prevent any kind of fraud. Decisions on what type of security personnel are going to work for you and if they are going to armed. How many guards ,where are they and what are their duties. How will your employee identification look like? Where are your limited access areas and how you insure they stay limited. Diversion theft or loss of the products section should detail how often are these rooms or buildings actually are accessed. Who will has access to them and times. Cash handling procedures. Many business that deals with a lot of cash it's not uncommon that cash is actually diverted,stolen or lost. Cash handling practices are very strict procedures. How to create SOP for Cannabis Business in New York.

Quality Assurance
New York State will most likely have rigorous requirements to ensure that cannabis products are of the highest integrity. Consistency and quality are two of the main goals of overcoming the black market. Legal cannabis market demands that your products be tested by licensed cannabis testing facility. Implementing rigid protocols to maintain high standards.

Transparency is important in this industry. Local regulators demand that you be transparent and provide them with whatever they ask. SOP for keeping comprehensive records and how to store them and secure. Regulators want to know how do you restrict and keep limited access to these records. Every cannabis business must be able to produce original and unaltered records to state and local authorities. For example, your SOP should answer the following questions. Where should these records be stored who will have the access to them. How long will they actually be kept and what kind of information will be kept.

Cash Handling
SOP that deals with cash handling procedures like any other business that deals with a lot of cash. It's a fact that cash is actually diverted stolen from cash rich business. I don't know where it went or use for other illegal activities will not be accepted by the OCM. That's why it's important you follow cash handling practices. These are very strict procedures that you must stick follow or your going to pay for it (literally). Procedures on where the cash is going to be kept and how is it actually going to be counted. Outline who is going to count the money and how will the cash actually be transported. Transport means to and from the bank. where will your safe be located? Determine how many security measures are between a person and the actual safe.
This gets you going in the right direction. Please remember the more you do yourself the more money you will save. How to create SOP for Cannabis Business in New York