The Promised land NY will show you How To Get a Cultivation License in New York and every New York Cannabis Licenses. We can help hemp farmer companies as their consultant. The Promised land NY will start setting up the structures that are important in cannabis Cultivation, because it's not federally legal still. I don't think it's going to be federally legal for several more years and as a result, you have structures to preserve a few things. First, being social equity, in this instance, it'll be called justice involved and then also to mitigate liabilities which comes from tax and then also certain banking issues. Compliance issues when it comes to social equity.
We are consultants that complete your application, narrative work process for a license, and basically what that means is we're going to talk about aspects of your application and we've gotten the list for both and we'll go over each one. We'll go over the hemp farmers that become cultivators and we can also help you draft any type of formation or capital raised documents that you need, because there's a certain structure of these things so that they are compliant with securities laws that do not yet apply because, of course, it's a federal crime, but you still need to do everything correctly, keep yourself on the safe side.
Hemp Farmers
They are going to get a whole acre that is 43560 square feet. According to a study from Connecticut hemp farmers they'll get somewhere around to 250 pounds of flower per acre and at a thousand dollars a pound. If this is just outdoor and a thousand dollars a pound for outdoors, is actually pretty good, that would be about 2.5 million dollars. So the hemp farmers may be able to make about 2.5 million dollars, actually more there's about greenhouses the 20 artificial lights that you're allowed to have.
Cultivation Greenhouse
Hemp farmers are going to be able to do one acre of regular grass and they can also use a combination of greenhouses or a greenhouse alone. A 25, 000 square foot of greenhouse space or go hybrid, you can do 20,000 square feet in greenhouse and 10,000 square feet outdoor. Now four season cultivation in greenhouses and if you only have 20 lights indoor, we can do some basic math and it doesn't seem all that great because the indoor light, is about 18.35 square foot per light. It depends on how big that light is, which means it would be about less than 500 square feet of greenhouse space, that you'd be able to farm four months out of the year. But again, that's indoor lights, that's not greenhouse mixed lights, so you actually get more than that. How To Get a Cultivation License in New York

How do you want to approach it? You know: do you want to go cheap, your first year and just seed outdoor, because the costs for that aren't all that much the outdoor cost might be anywhere between $20 to $30,000 an acre and that's very reasonable if your top line is going to Be $2.5 million and your bottom line is about $30,000. Now greenhouses can boost your ability to sell products.
Compliance And Labor Peace agreement
So the thing that the regulations really have in this is this compliance roll out is you are fast tracked and can apply right now. You can go and and get your application in and then you're going to have some very hard deadlines that are going to catch up to you fast. First deadline is going to be that you have a month to get your site plan and your security plan down and that site plan and security plan has to be extremely detailed. Then six months after licensing you're going to need your operating plan which has 11 elements and then 12 months after getting your license, you have to have your annual cultivation report. This report will have 29 elements and it also includes an L.P.A. which is a labor peace agreement and that labor peace agreement is a contract with a union. June 1st 2023. You will need to have your own distribution or processing as well, and then you'll have a little bit more time. How To Get a Cultivation License in New York
You'll have the rest of that season and then, after two crop years, you're going to need to be completely compliant and not be conditional anymore. You have to grow yourself up and be compliant with all of the rules and regulations that will be forthcoming. We should have them in fairly short order and what the O.C.M. which is the office of cannabis management New York, has published, provides a great deal of context. O.C.M. does give you the ability to see some foreshadowing because on March 15th of this year New York started, taking cultivation applications, but not from anybody but only 200 to 250 hemp farmers.
Operating Plan
So hemp farmers are going to be buying some seeds in April of 2022 and in theory, could be getting going depending on what facilities they already had and what was in their nurseries. This deadlines that are needed on this operating plan now this operating plan. This is what you need to have within that first month. You can understand how you'll be organizing a lot of the plans. The work product that the consultants would be drafting for the narrative, a site plan indicating the activities performed in each area and detailing all physical boundaries, roads and water crossings of the property further outlined in section through eight site plan modifications. And so it's cross-referencing. This site plan. I assume it's going to mostly be graphical and not necessarily be a narrative it's the sub elements that you have to compile and get together. How To Get a Cultivation License in New York and if anything changes on site plan you're given have 10 calendar days to make that change.
As you are building out your cultivation abilities or your operations it's somebody's job to be dedicated as the lead administrator or the compliance officer. The person who is really good at paperwork that they can get all these things done. Your administration is quite crucial in what you're getting yourself into as there is a lot of compliance, deadlines, calendars and correspondence. Here is also where we can also help you relieve of the burden

So the first thing they want flowering canopy and what area outside the canopy, if applicable. So if you have a you know a veg room in one of your clone room in one of your greenhouses: pesticides, drying area, processing, area, harvest storage, area, you're, essentially, building out your cultivation facility, your other roots in the site. It's the flowering rooms, secure cannabis waste area, so you're going to have a waste policies and waste management plan. I could see that coming in the future standard.Let's now start with detectability as defined sanitary facilities you are going to need to be in compliance with, for example, hand, washing stations appear in this. I don't know how many of the hemp growers currently have hand washing stations in their facilities.
Risk and Security
So other activities must keep all used areas of the dual security, harvesting, driving, separate and distinct from any area designated for hemp cultivation under the department. So, even though, it's still essentially the same plant without the presence of one particular chemical got to keep them apart. The state wants you to keep them separated, we're still in the first month. You have to dual track this. That's the annual cultivation report. Now the operating plan and that's where we're at within your first month, then you need your security and staff safety plan detailing risk mitigation and accident prevention plan results from detailed risk assessment.

That is quite a lift. You get your license and then you're ready to like go plant and while you're ready to go farm, they're asking for details, one of which is going to be visual and there might be some narrative demonstrating compliance.
Now you have to put together even more information that you need is going to be listed on these 11 elements . Sustainable energy use and conservation plan. These are routinely provided for cannabis recall plans. You see that all the time quality assurance plan, cannabis, sampling, analysis and testing plan, we're going to there's going to be regulations, that'll be coming out and we'll be able to see them and know what they want.

Product Recall
When it comes to recall, we'll know what they want when it comes to quality assurance. There's applications that we've used all over the country though every new jurisdiction changes, the rules slightly and puts their own spin on things and has their own methodology of citations on what they're looking for in a particular application. Let's go over I.P.M. integrated management control plan documents based on integrated pest management principles that is adequate for the facility type and size.You know how many environmental impact plans were required for your hemp farm. New York has a very highly regulated hemp program, these types of things may already be in there cultivation plan document includes a detailed overview of all cultivation, processing, storage and recovered policies and procedures. All of this needs to be compiled within your first six months, while you're farming.

Inventory Management Systems
Now inventory management systems. This is a metric relational database, sometimes a biotrack thc relational database these will be a service providers that do these types of inventory management systems can then create software as a service that they can sell to you. You're going to need this software in order to document all physical inventory of your cannabis at any stage and all associated labels. This electronic inventory management system will it be in metric with traceability functionality capable of showing complete production history of your cannabis at any stage, including cannabis that has been released for sale to a total recall and all associated cannabis if necessary. Yes, it's a real obvious track and trace protocols that they expect you to have in place within your first year of operations. How To Get a Cultivation License in New York
Records and Reports
Agricultural input list detailed plant production application records for any propagation treatments, soil. You have to do a facility energy audit for about one year of use, reports, records of scouting and monitoring for pests, records of submission to each production cycle to a testing lab. So all of this, these business records that your company is going producing is the reasons why they started with the inventory control system software. At the very beginning, a lot of these things are going to be compiled in real time. As you are doing your operations, provided that you have the right systems in place to integrate with all equipment records, draw plant removal, records of all employees and independent contractors. Staff, health and safety procedures sign consents from every employee, routine of class and containers. How often you clean it or your records of cleaning and sanitizing. Sanitary, which is great and pest management records of mock recalls, so you could have some training where you're going to do a mock, recall, visitor log. How To Get a Cultivation License in New York

The site plan is mandated that you have to keep everything separated so, if somebody's going to go check out the cannabis farm, you need a visitor log. You'll need a signed copy of a labor peace agreement, as required by the cannabis law and as detailed in section 20. Essentially is just a union contract you can get them from the unions.
I hope this helped to understand the process and know that we are here to help you at The Promised Land NY